Dr. Bartosz Chmielnicki

Bartosz Chmielnicki is a medical doctor, practicing and teaching acupuncture since 2004. In 2008 he established his TCM clinic in Katowice, and soon after he opened an Academy of Acupuncture. In 2017 he established new educational project – Acuart International School of Classical Acupuncture, protecting the highest standards in acupuncture and Chinese Medicine education. He shares his knowledge with great enthusiasm teaching at many international conferences, as well as in the schools in Poland, Germany, Czech Republic and Israel. For the last six years, he has been working on a project of presenting acupuncture points names and physiology together with Rani Ayal and Yair Maimon PhD.

אירועים קרובים בהשתתפות המרצה

מרצים נוספים

סדנא עם Dr. Yu Guo Jun בישראל ​

שלושה ימים של צמחי מרפא סיניים