Changing the brain’s pain perception as first line treatment for pain – Japanese Acupuncture

When stressed the autonomic nerve system is imbalanced and shows signs of this stress.

It appears as palpable sensitive spots and areas in the body.

I call it the ‘Stress Map’.

Treating these spots calms the nerves system and reduces the pain dramatically.

Addressing and treating ‘brain pain perception’ is another important part of the treatment as it affects the deep source of pain.

This lecture is the fruit of thousands of treatments in my clinic the last 2 decades.

This way of thinking changed my clinic entirely.


Learning Objectives:

  1. Pain differential diagnosis.
  2. Learning the ‘body’s stress map’.
  3. Treating backache and sciatica by choosing the right points that affect the stress map and the brain’s pain perception.



Hasina has a Diploma in Chinese Medicine (Dipl. CM, I.A.TCM) with distinction from Hamichlala Leminhal (1997-2001), where she studied both Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine. In addition, she completed a 2 years program of “Kiiko Matsumoto-Style Japanese Acupuncture”. 

Hasina Erder is a skilled Japanese acupuncturist, and has been practicing and teaching several Japanese acupuncture styles since 2002.

She currently teaches the Japanese style 2 year program and is giving seminars in different Japanese acupunctures styles.

Hasina is using mainly the Kiiko Matsumoto teachings. In the last 6 years she practices the Meridian-test treatments based on Prof. Mukaino Yoshito’s theory and practice.

Hasina has worked in Assaf Harofeh Hospital for many years and she is the founder and director of the Tevamed clinic, teaching and training acupuncturists.

סדנא עם Dr. Yu Guo Jun בישראל ​

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