Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is common throughout the world, and its epidemiology is linked to the Western lifestyle. An individual with the typical symptoms of GERD has a fivefold risk of developing esophageal adenocarcinoma
Through the eyes of holistic approaches, the symptoms of Gerd carry a profound meaning, associated with the ability of our patients to “bite through” life experiences. This lecture will present an integrated nutritional approach for GERD and its related symptoms, established on Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, and Macrobiotics
Through this lecture, we will discuss common themes within these medical systems regarding the pathophysiology of GERD. The lecture will also introduce various food items, preparations, spices, and healing beverages that address the “heartburn” while reliving the painful life experience associated with it
Learning objectives
Discuss the pathomechanism and treatment options of GERD according to a conventional medicine approach
Introduce key differential diagnosis patterns that are relevant for the nutritional treatment of GERD
Learn an integrated oriental-medicine based nutritional treatment approach for GERD
Introducing main food items, preparation, spices and beverages that aid in the treatment of GERD
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Katzka, D.A. and Kahrilas, P.J., 2020. Advances in the diagnosis and management of gastroesophageal reflux disease. BMJ, 371, p.m3786
Kushi, M. and Jack, A., 2008. The Macrobiotic Path to Total Health: A Complete Guide to Naturally Preventing and Relieving More Than 200 Chronic Conditions and Disorders. New York: Ballantine Books
Li, S., 2003. Compendium of materia medica : Bencao gangmu. 1st ed. Foreign Languages Press
Robillard, N., 2012. Heartburn – Fast Tract Digestion: Acid Reflux & GERD Diet Cure Without Drugs. Self Health Publishing
Eyal Shpringer is a leading practitioner in the field of oriental nutrition and integrative medicine in Israel. He is the Director of the Oncologic Integrative-Complementary Center at the Tel Aviv Medical Center and Hospital (Ichilov)
Over 20 years of practice, he has focused on Chinese medical nutrition, Ayurveda and Macrobiotics and has created an integrated diagnostic and nutritional treatment approach called TEF (Traditional Energetics of Foods)
Shpringer went through extensive training in Israel and China in the field of Stems and Branches acupuncture, Chinese and Western herbal medicine, Tuina, Qi-Gong, Ayurveda and Macrobiotics. In his MSc dissertation, he studied the diverse attributes of different types of food according to oriental medical traditions and correlates those with the food nutrient content
Since 2000, Shpringer has been teaching in the leading Chinese-medicine training institutes such as Medicine College, Broshim College and the Hebrew University’s Chinese Medicine training programme and has presented his work in conferences. In the last 10 years, he has been teaching a postgraduates training program in the field of Chinese and oriental nutrition
Committed to the education of practitioners and patients alike in the theory and practice of oriental nutrition, Shpringer has founded the TEF website and co-authored the bestselling book Cooking for Life: A Traditional Nutrition Cookbook for Cancer Patients (Hebrew). He is currently working on translating his work to English and is writing a textbook dedicated to his nutritional treatment method
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