The face provides a wealth of diagnostic information for practitioners to utilize in their clinical practice. Facial Diagnosis is one of the original aspects of Classical Chinese Medicine and the face reveals the blueprint for the body’s function, and can be used in the clinic to enhance your treatment. This Lecture will focus on how the face corresponds with the organs and how to diagnose signs of strength and deficiency, fertility and Jing
Learning Objectives
Participants will learn which areas of the face correspond to the organs of the body and will be given insight into the signs of strength and deficiency
There will be a special emphasis on learning to recognize the signs of fertility, along with gynecological and hormonal issues
Participants will also learn more about the signs of Jing on the Face and how it impacts the procreative process
Information taught in this workshop can be used immediately in the clinic to increase diagnostic skills and will also support the ability to discern the effectiveness of treatments from subsequent changes in the face
Lillian Pearl Bridges is the world’s leading authority on Face Reading and Facial Diagnosis. She is credited for reawakening Chinese Medicine to this body of ancient knowledge and introducing it to Western Medicine. She has taught around the world to Complimentary and Allopathic Doctors, Acupuncturists, Psychologists and other Natural Health Practitioners. She is the founder of the Lotus Institute, Inc., based in Seattle, WA and has trained students in her Master Face Reading Certification Program since 2013. She is a lineage holder from a long line of Master Chinese practitioners in her Chien family and received her degree in Psychology from UCLA. She is the author of Face Reading in Chinese Medicine, 2nd Edition and Divine Chinese Cuisine. She has been a contributor to several other books on Chinese Medicine published by Elsevier and for the Thieme Almanac. She has been a guest columnist for Natural Health Magazine and has been featured in newspaper and magazine articles in numerous countries. She hosted her own internet radio show in Seattle, “Conscious Living” and was featured on the Dr. Oz Show in 2013 in the episode, “What Your Face Reveals About Your Health." She also writes the internationally popular Food Blog – 5 Element Food
כל הזכויות שמורות - ICCM