Acupuncture and Osteopathic techniques in the treatment of the medial knee pain: the AcuOsteo method e

The author presents his experience as MD Specialist in Physiotherapy and Sport Medicine, acupuncture and osteopathy dealing with medial knee pain 

The “AcuOsteo Method” is a clinical approach combining Acupuncture and Osteopathic diagnosis and treatment

Learning objectives  

          Participant will be able to diagnose the Western Medicine causes of medial knee pain

          Participant will be able to diagnose the Acupuncture and the Osteopathic causes of medial knee pain 

          Participant will understand the crucial role of the Muscle and Connecting channels

          Participant will learn the AcuOsteo method, a treatment option for medial knee pain combining   

          Acupuncture and Osteopathy

          Participant will be able to apply the Acupuncture and the Osteopathic techniques taught in the video 



   P.E. Greenman, Principles of Manual Medicine, Williams & Wilkins, 2nd ed., 1996

Legge, Close to the Bone, Sydney College Press, 2nd ed., 1997

Maciocia, The Channels of Acupuncture, Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2006.

Reaves, The Acupuncture Handbook of Sports Injuries and Pain, Hidden Needle Press, 2009

   Wu Yi-ling, Collateral Disease Theory in Practice, People’s Medical Publishing House, 2008

 Umberto Mazzanti, MD, Acupuncturist, Osteopath DO MROI

   1980 Graduate in Medicine

   1982 Graduate in Acupuncture

   1983 Postgraduate Specialization in Physiotherapy
  1988 Postgraduate Specialization in Sports Medicine

   1986 Founding member and Vice President of A.M.A.B. (Association of Medical     

               Acupuncturists of Bologna) and Vice Director of A.M.A.B. – Italian Chinese school of 


   1995 Graduate in Osteopathy DO MROI

   Since 1999 Board Member of F.I.S.A. (Italian Federation of Acupuncture Societies)
  Since 2012 General Secretary of PEFOTS (Pan European Federation of TCM Societies)

   Since 2015 Visiting Professor Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine (NJUCM)

   Since 2016 Member of the Council Board of WFCMS (World Federation of Chinese 

                         Medicine Societies)

         Mail: [email protected]


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