Jon Bannbers & Camilla Gliemann

Jon Bannbers has been practicing Swedish Massage and Zen-Shiatsu for almost 20 years and Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine for more than 12. He worked at a chiropractic clinic for 6 years, before starting up his own full time practise in Aarhus, Denmark. Throughout the years, he has continued his training, participated in numerous TCM-Congresses, lectures and did clinical practice on Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China. Jon is the former chairman of the AcupunctureAcademy (2006 – 2013), where he is still a treasured teacher. Workshops: Cupping Gua Sha and Shiatsu Camilla Gliemann Is the head director of The acupuncture academy in Arhus- Denmark Education: Acupuncture Academy 2002-2005. FDZ Zoneterapeut and MUSCULUS Masseur in 1996. Yoga teacher at Jysk Yoga Association Gymnastics, dance and yoga for more than 10 years. Studying at Chengdu University of TCM, China 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2013. Continues in congresses and continuing education. Currently studying at the Akupunktur College in Oslo.

שגרירים נוספים

סדנא עם Dr. Yu Guo Jun בישראל ​

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