10:00 - 18:00
בית > Helena Zwinczewska
I graduated Jagiellonian University Medical College in June 2017 and I’m a medical doctor. I studied TCM at the Silesian Academy of Acupuncture Compleo and attended numerous courses and congresses in Poland and around the world. I am a board member of Polish Traditional Chinese Medicine Association (PTCMA) and one of the founders of The Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Preventive Health (ITCM DAO) in Kraków. I am also a member of the organizing Committee of International Chinese Medicine Congress in Kraków organised by ITCM DAO & PTCMA. My aim it to combine Western and Chinese medicine and to create integrative medicine in Poland. As a person experienced in both approaches, I hope I would be able to make the link between them.
כל הזכויות שמורות - ICCM