Albert de Vos

Albert de Vos (1949) BSc, LAc, has worked as physiotherapist and acupuncturist for 37 years. As Vice President of the Dutch Acupuncture Association (1995-2017) he was active in improving the position of acupuncturists, defending their interests within society in general, more specifically within the field of healthcare. Albert has taken a leading role in the European Traditional Chinese Medicine Association (ETCMA) since its foundation (2002), acting as Treasurer (2002-2005), as Chief Executive Officer (2005-2014) and as President (2014-2017). Albert is a honourable member of: European TCM Association (ETCMA) Arbeitsgemeinschaft für klasssiche Akupunktur und TCM (AGTCM, Germany) Fédération Nationale de Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise (FNMTC, France) The Israeli Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine (IATCM, Israel)

שגרירים נוספים

סדנא עם Dr. Yu Guo Jun בישראל ​

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